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Australian Wagyu Chuck Eye Roll Steak M6/7 400Day Grain Fed 澳洲和牛肩胛眼肉 M6/7 400天穀飼

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🔥 Ultimate Indulgence: Australian Wagyu! 🔥

Australian Wagyu Chuck Eye Roll M6/7, 400-Day Grain-Fed has arrived! Melt-in-your-mouth tenderness meets rich, buttery flavor. Limited quantity is available.


🔥 極致享受:澳洲和牛! 🔥

澳洲和牛肩胛眼肉 M6/7400天穀飼,隆重登場!入口即化的嫩度,遇上濃郁的奶油香氣。數量有限.


• M6/7 Marbling: Exceptional tenderness and juiciness.

• 400-Day Grain-Fed: Unparalleled depth of flavor.

• Chuck Eye Roll: Ribeye-like experience at a great value.

Perfect for grilling or reverse searing. Pair with a Barolo wine

M6/7 大理石紋油花: 嫩滑多汁,無可比擬。

400天穀飼: 香濃風味,回味無窮。

肩胛眼肉: 媲美肋眼牛排的極致享受,物超所值。

煎烤皆宜,搭配濃郁Barolo wine 更佳。萬勿錯過!
